Special Interest Group on “Cross-layering”
Leader: Fabrizio Granelli
The CSIM SiG on cross-layering will specifically address the issues related to cross-layering technology as a mean both to provide tight integration among the protocol layers of communication devices and to model the resulting communication architectures. In this context, the topics addressed by the SiG are included within the goals of CSIM, in terms of integration and modeling of a specific technology.
Topics addressed by the SiG on cross-layering include:
– modeling of cross-layering interactions
– modeling of cross-layering processes
– architectures for cross-layering signalling
– performance of cross-layering schemes
Expected activities of the SiG are mainly to facilitate interactions among experts operating in the field and provide a forum for analysis and exchange of information about potential costs and benefits of the cross-layering paradigm, especially in comparison to standard layering design of communication networks.
Group Webpage | Contact F.Granelli