Special Interest Group on “Industrial Communication Networks”

Leaders: Kapal Dev, Luca Foschini, Cedric Westphal

The CSIM SIG on “Industrial Communication Networks” (ICNet) will specifically focus to address all the issues concerning the growing field of ICNet. Hereafter there are some of the objectives (but not limited to) that need to be achieved within ICNet and that the SIG will focus on:

  • Growing Industrial Needs: ICNet and industrial automation needs to go hand-in-hand for meeting the real-time operational needs;
  • Digital Twins: The integration of ICNet and digital twins will allow manufacturers to analyze the data and monitor the activities remotely from home, thus, realizing the smart manufacturing process in the true sense;
  • Integration with Next Generation Networks (NGNs): With the integration of ICNet and NGNs, the process and heavy manufacturing industries could increase the efficiency of different processes while reducing the intervention from humans. Few of the applications that can benefit from such integration are Private 5G, Network Slicing, Automotive industries, and industrial robotics.
  • Industry 5.0: ICNet could help in establishing reliable and efficient communication, not only between cobots but also humans to smoothen the automation process.
  • Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN): ICNet is one of the efficient ways to communication devices and networks within the industrial environment, therefore, O-RAN and ICNet integration is mandatory (a mandatory compulsion) to establish communication between heterogeneous devices, systems, and networks, accordingly.

The expected main activities of the SiG will be devoted to both foster interaction among experts researching and operating in the field of ICNet, provide an open forum to exchange information, building consortiums, and to facilitate new and even more stimulating collaboration activities.



Kapal Dev, Assistant Lecturer, Munster Technological University, Ireland – Kapal.dev@ieee.org

Luca Foschini, Associate Professor, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy – luca.foschini@unibo.it

Cedric Westphal, Principal Research Architect Futurewei Technologies, USA – cedric.westphal@futurewei.com





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