The Communication Systems Integration and Modeling (CSIM) Technical Committee of the IEEE Communications Society invites you to nominate or self-nominate papers for the 2017 CSIM Best Paper Award. The nomination deadline is March 2, 2018.
In particular CSIM will offer:
- BestJournal Paper Award
- BestConference Paper Award
The paper must appear in print in a peer-reviewed journal or a peer-reviewed conference proceedings (other than in the ICC and Globecom CQRM symposium) in 2017, i.e., from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, and AT LEAST one of the co-authors must be a CSIM TC member (please see here how to become a member:
The specific technical content of the nominated paper is expected to have a clear connection to the general theme of communication systems integration and modeling. The nominated paper needs to show originality and substantial technological impact or potential technological impact on both the theory and the practice of network and communication systems integration and modeling. Please refer to the CSIMTC website for more information about the covered topics:
If awarded, all the co-authors will each receive a plaque.
The awards will be delivered during the CSIM meeting in ICC 2018 in Kansas City and one of the authors will be invited to give a talk.
Submission due by March 2, 2018
Please email your nomination to:
- Fabrizio Granelli:
- Christos Verikoukis:
To learn more about the IEEE Communications Society committees, visit the Technical Communities site (, and the CSIM TC site (
Please do not hesitate to forward this call to anyone that might be interested.